
澳门赌博平台 offers excellent facilities for its students, 教师, 工作人员, and the entire community to enjoy. Whether it is state-of-the-art classrooms, 体育设施, 计算机实验室, 性能的空间, the library or the renowned 德国地球与空间中心, Triton学院致力于为公共和私人使用提供最好和最先进的设施.

Many of our facilities are available for rental, including classrooms and conference spaces, 计算机实验室, 餐厅, athletics and recreation facilities, and gallery and 性能的空间.


学术成功中心(ASC)提供面对面和在线辅导, mentoring and academic review workshops. The ASC also maintains a variety of student support resources, 比如模型, 教科书, videos and cutting edge technology.


特里顿学院在2017年完成了东校区体育中心的翻新. The upgrades included a new synthetic turf multi-purpose field and updated, 明亮的棒球和垒球场地,配备最先进的场地房屋和露天看台建筑,为Triton的体育项目提供安全和可持续的比赛场地. Track and field components were also added.

点击 在这里 查询租金资料.

For more information about 澳门赌博平台's 体育运动 Program, visit www.海卫一.edu/athletics,或致电(708)456-0300,分机. 3755 or 3438.


Triton的Jerome J. Drosos烹饪艺术学院经营着一家全面运营的零售面包店,同时也为酒店学生提供烹饪实验室. 向公众开放, the bakery sells a variety of fine baked goods, and accepts special orders in person or via 电话. To order from the bakery, please call (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3387. Special orders require a minimum of one week’s notice.



Located on the Triton campus near the cafeteria in the B Building, the 澳门赌博平台 bookstore sells and rents new and used 教科书. Reference books and general reading material, 还有办公用品, 软件, 电子产品, 礼物, and a full line of Triton apparel are also available for purchase.


With a public planetarium on the campus of 澳门赌博平台, 德国地球和空间中心定期提供地球和天空表演, 儿童节目, 激光显示. The 德国地球与空间中心 houses a 93-seat dome theater. 它还为会议、招待会或员工感谢之夜提供了一个独特的位置. 星星商店礼品店为各个年龄段的科学爱好者提供独特的物品.


Triton学院儿童发展中心提供学前和幼儿课程. Flex-time is a special program for students with children. 当学生上课时,孩子们在大学校园里一个安全、有爱心的环境中学习. Triton学院的儿童发展中心实验室学校提供一系列高质量的, 由全国幼儿教育协会(NAEYC)认证的针对15个月至5岁儿童的监督教育项目. 孩子们与老师和同学一起参加适合发展的活动.

Classrooms Labs and Lecture Halls

Triton maintains quality classrooms, 实验室, and lecture halls that feature state-of-the-art electronic equipment, 电脑, 视听服务. Many of these facilities are available for rental at a reasonable price.


Educational Technology Resource Center (ETRC)

教育技术资源中心(ETRC)为多因素认证(MFA)提供支持。, 所有在线/黑板课程, 学生入门网站, 和Triton学生邮箱, 亲自提供, 电话, 还有在线定向, 在线教程, Microsoft application tutorials, and Microsoft application certified tests. The test is available by signing up through the 继续教育 Department; the cost for each test is $80.00 plus a registration fee of $5.00. 此外,该实验室还为学生提供最新的技术和软件.


Triton’s newly renovated 健身中心, was completed in 2017. The 健身中心 is located on the lower level of the R建筑, on the east side of Triton’s campus. Whether you prefer free weights, 有氧运动, classes or a combination of all three, 新的6,000平方英尺的健身中心配备了顶级的设备以及经验丰富的健身中心工作人员和教练,他们将指导您走上健身之路. 翻新工程还包括带有独立淋浴间的新更衣室. 欲了解更多信息或报名使用健身中心,请致电(708)456-0300,分机. 3825.


Triton学院的餐饮服务由位于B楼的自助餐厅的TriCafe提供. There are also snack shops located in the R and H建筑s. Vending machines are also located throughout the campus.


Triton的健康和科学设施以外科技术和解剖实验室为特色, 一个轻松的座位区和具有Wi-Fi功能的协作学习空间. 它还配备了当今卫生行业和科学领域专业人员使用的工具和设备, 让学生体验他们一旦进入劳动力市场将使用的设备类型. The facility houses educational programs including nursing, 外科手术技术, diagnostic medical sonography and ophthalmology.


Hospitality Demonstration Kitchen and Bistro

2016年新装修, 酒店示范厨房和小酒馆正在为学生准备酒店业的职业生涯,如烹饪艺术, restaurant management and beverage management. The renovated space contains state-of-the-art, eco-friendly equipment that reflects current industry standards. 这包括一个usb可编程组合烤箱,可以同时加热和蒸汽, induction burners and a top-notch espresso machine. 新安装的监视器和摄像机将支持教室的演示部分.




澳门赌博平台 cares about helping nursing mothers feel welcome on campus. Triton社区的所有成员和校园内的客人都可以使用房间. In all locations, nursing mothers will need to provide their own pump. Storage of personal belongings or milk in the room is not permitted.

Room locations are in the following buildings:

For more information and to make arrangements contact:

b - 240房间
708-456-0300, X-3383

g - 109房间
708-456-0300, X-3359


图书馆 - (Learning Resource Center)

Open to students and the public alike, the 澳门赌博平台 图书馆 in the A Building contains more than 75,000本书和其他资料, 475 current periodical subscriptions, and numerous print and electronic indexes to journal articles.
The 澳门赌博平台 图书馆 provides curriculum-driven resources, 指令, 以及提高学生成功和满足大学社区不同学术和信息需求的项目.



Triton提供广泛的会议和/或餐厅空间选择,可以配置以容纳不同规模的团体. Many of these facilities are available for rental at a reasonable price.


With a selection of nearly 100 online 课程, Triton学院为您提供完成教育所需的基本灵活性和便利性. 在线学习可以与传统课程相结合,使教育适应你忙碌的生活.


罗伯特·M. 柯林斯礼堂, located in the 演艺中心 in the R建筑 (East campus), 舒适地容纳412位客人.

Professional Development Center

专业发展中心(PDC)通过各种活动和资源促进校园内终身专业学习的承诺,以提高教学的学习过程. The Triton PDC provides resources for full-time and adjunct 教师, 包括车间, 课程, 识别事件, 袋装午餐, 辅导项目, 书籍及刊物. The PDC is located in the E Building, room E-210.



Offers a wealth of athletic and recreational facilities, including indoor and outdoor sports fields and courts, 健身中心, 舞蹈工作室, 演艺中心, indoor track and swimming pool. Most of these facilities are available for rental at a reasonable price.


工程技术, 汽车技术和视觉通信项目位于T大楼.


Triton美丽的新学生中心(B楼)现在为学生提供一站式服务,包括注册, 建议, 经济援助及其他. Impressive renovations to the cafeteria area, featuring modern furniture allows students to eat, socialize and study in comfort and style. On the second floor of the student center, 在cafe 64或好客示范厨房和小酒馆吃点东西. 学生生活区位于学生中心的二楼, offering students a myriad of ways to get involved at Triton with clubs, 组织, 学生会等.


写作区直接与教师合作,以便更好地了解学生的需求. The 写作区 provides assistance to students writing papers ,  ESL conversation tables to improve English skills, and other areas requiring writing, 阅读和口语. The 写作区 has 电脑 equipped with writing and reading 软件. 学生 can use the space to complete their assignments.
